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Welcome to my website.  It is focused on the pursuits that I am most interested in and dedicated to, which are Kung Fu, Yoga, CrossFit, and Aerials.  Basically, it is just a site for myself, a way to collect my thoughts and materials that interest me in a handy format.  The heart of the site is my training diary, which gives me a measure of accountability and documents the work I am putting in.  If anyone else finds my site interesting or thought-provoking that would be great.

You might ask, as I have asked myself many times, why are you trying to pursue four different activities at once?  Wouldn't you be better off focusing on one or two things?  As I explain elsewhere on this site, I did not set out to work on four different things, it just developed that way.  Since I enjoy all four so much, I would be hard-pressed at this point to give anything up.  And at present it seems to be working for me.  For the most part each activity feeds off the others in a good and productive way.  Also the variety prevents burn-out, keeping the work lively and fun.  I try to perform in all these areas to the best of my abilities, but I understand that I am not destined for world-class status in any of it.  I am content to be a serious amateur, reaping the rewards which come just with that.





Books commonly have a dedication page, and I view this site as like a book.  So I dedicate this site to my husband, Pete.  He first introduced me to so many things, including Tai Chi, which have proved to be life-altering.  He is my fellow Kung Fu practitioner, and we study with the same master, which is a lot of fun.  I owe so much to his inspiration, but most important has been his constant support.  When I am attempting to do crazy things, he will try to interject a little sanity, but then just let me be.  How special to have a partner who embraces all  your changes, and loves you no matter what.  You're just the best, my Sweet.

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